Friday, June 24, 2011

The Price of Life?

In my mind and probably to many others, I would say that there is no price to life.  Although healthcare makes it seem like this isn't so, who is anyone to tell another that there life is worth a certain amount of money.  On this note, I was with my sister and brother-in-law today in New York, meeting up with one of my sister's friend's, Kerri while we stopped and got luch on our 16 hour drive to North Carolina.  While with Kerri she asked us if we had heard about the breaking news?  Of course my mind went straight to Whitey Bulger as once breaking news hits, people for some reason cannot stop talking about it for weeks (even though it tends to be the same story over and over again).  Ironically, the New Yorker had little knowledge of the Whitey case, but told us of another horrific man.

At some point within the last day or two, a man went into a pharmacy wanting to rob the store of prescription medicine.  Robberies such as this have happened before, so I was waiting for the real "news" within this story, but I wish I hadn't.  The man did not just go into the pharmacy weilding a gun and leaving with his drugs, but he shot the 17 year old technician point-blank in the face before shooting the pharmacist execution style.  The man then left in his getaway car driven by his wife.  One man lost his fiance that day while another family lost their son.  It disgusts me that a human being could so easily kill someone, nevermind the fact that he killed them in order for a "quick fix."  Drugs can be damaging not only to the people that take them, but to innocent people that never thought they would face a danger just by going to work.  I too am working as a pharmacy technician to get by throughout college, so to think that that could have easily been me is extra terrifying.

1 comment:

  1. Our country allows civilian access to firearms that has few equals around the globe. Politicians can argue 2nd Amendment until they're blue in the face--I'm convinced that this accessibility directly contributes to the homicide rate in this country. End of sermon. Best regards, and have a super summer!
