Friday, June 17, 2011

Conflicting Opinions

Earlier today I was reading the June issue of Marie Claire magazine.  As I was skimming through it an reading a few stories, I stumbled upon one that caught my eye.  Lately the media has been portraying first wife, Michelle Obama promoting her cause of limiting obesity within America.  Although Mrs. Obama's efforts have been held by high regard thus far, Marie Claire had an article that boasted a different kind of opinion.  In fact, the story basically stated how Michelle Obama may be doing both harm as well as good.

Though this may seem weird that people would dispute the first lady's efforts to help end America's obesity, the article definetly did make a point that I had not thought of before.  Thus, the article explained how the National Eating Disorders Association believes that by telling America that they are over-weight may actually make more and more people turn to an eating disorder.  Though I do see the point the association is trying to make, I don't think Michelle is trying to turn people away from food, just towards healthier options with better portion sizes.  The president's wife has even had a small stint on the Disney channel working with some of the young actors to portray what portions are best for certain body types.  Anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders, along with being obese itself are all problems within America and the media definetly does not help with the issue.  Between telling people they are too fat and then going on to say how they have become too thin messes with people's heads.  My opinion is that as a nation the focus shouldn't be on ending obestiy but how to live a healthy and fit lifestyle; one where you do not have to starve yourself, but you can eat within a decent portion size.

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