Sunday, June 5, 2011

Disney and Young Girls

Over the past few years, I have began to hear different opinions about Disney.  Growing up, I was an avid Disney fan and even convinced myself that I too could be a princess.  Although the stereotype seems to be that most little girls dream of growing up to be princesses, the question has become: does Disney actually provide young girls with false hope about the future.  In every princess movie, the beautiful (and always thin) princess is always happy, even when facing the worst conditions such as an evil stepmother and she always ends up with "Prince Charming." 

Growing up I didn't think too much about this, but looking back now, I always wanted to be princess-pretty and end up with Prince Charming who would come out of nowhere and sweep me off of my feet.  I, like many other little girls was nieve to the world and believed this could happen, but I have learned that that doesn't happen and not everything always works in your favor.  I still love Disney, but definetely believe it gives young girls a different sense of how they should be and how the world is; Ariel gave up her own voice for a man, something I don't think is too inspiring for little girls.

1 comment:

  1. I both agree and disagree. I feel as though there may be a bit too much of the "Happily Ever After Effect" in Disney movies, but I also believe that most of the children watching them at that age, are just happy to be dressed up like little princesses. I have to say that I appreciate movies like "Cinderella" and "Princess and the Frog" That give the other side of things. These movies show that sometiems life can be unfair and cruel, but if you believe in yourself and work hard, and follow your dreams that the sky is the limit. Isnt that what we would want for our children? So, I do believe that sometimes the fairy tale plot that all girls are going to end up rich and in a perfect world with a dazzling prince by their side can get a little out of hand. I also think Disney does a good job of portraying other things as well.
