Saturday, June 18, 2011

America's Latest Obsession

Although Twitter has been out for some time now, I still have yet to see what the fascination with it is.  Celebrities are always talking about their "Twitter accounts" and it seems like a catastophe when celebrities such as Miley Cyrus delete theirs (only to re-establish it a few weeks later).  So I guess my question is this: Why are people so obsessed with posting every detail of their daily lives?  In some sense I understand how it is a tool to communicate with one another like any other social networking site such as Facebook (where I am a member).  Unlike Facebook, Twitter users from what I've seen through friends post that they just walked by a restaurant or are sitting waiting to eat.  Why this is so interesting to the masses is beyond me.  Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the site or its users and have even thought of joining to see what all the hype was about, but I just don't think I would post enough to be an avid Tweeter.

Facebook is not completly of the hook though as some Facebooker's write status' every five minutes to detail one's life or his/her relationship woes, which are often quite annoying, but Twitter was created in order to post every five minutes if the person so chooses to do so.  Also, many people such as celebrities "follow" one another so it seems as though your status in society is based upon how many or who is following you on Twitter.  Though this may have seemed like a rant about social networking, I really would just like some answers by anyone who may use Twitter as to why it is so appealing or maybe I will create an account and just find out for myself!

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