Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Irony in the Media

Just a little bit ago I was watching E! News (like I said before, I am an avid watcher) and heard something that has bothered me for quite some time.  In so many magazines and ads, women are told to "be who you are," "love yourself" and to "embrace differences."  While these messages are inspiring, they are quickly shot down by other forms of media and women themselves.  Although everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion, making everyone's definition of beauty quite beautiful, irony definetely still lies within the media.

Whille watching E! tonight, Guliana Rancic spoke of what was coming up for the next story and what she said unfortunetly didn't shock me.  Ms. Rancic thus spoke of a story on "who has the best body parts in Hollywood."  Like I said before, no one is perfect and everyone's idea of beauty is clearly different, but how can one love and accept themselves when celebrity's are told how to look, who looks the best and shows images of when they might not look "their best."  So as a young woman myself, it is extremely frustrating to try to love and accept my flaws when I'm constantly shown images of diet regimen's and hearing how beautiful women are when they look a certain way.  Of course many campaigns like Dove and Seventeen's Body Peace are taking a step in the right direction, but my unfortunate encounter with E!'s story only proves how much more women AND men have to work for body peace.


  1. I am disgusted when I hear stories such as this one as well. Also when I see magazine covers in the grocery store of "Stars Without Makeup" and "Best & Worst Beach Bodies" and then you open it up and these people don't even have any flaws. I think about what it would be like to be famous all the time but I truly don't think I could handle the pressure of being "perfect" all the time. No wonder why so many stars have drinking and drug problems, people are telling them 24/7 basically that they aren't beautiful enough.

  2. E! is so terrible with this! What's with all the countdowns, too? 40 Sexiest Bodies, and the sort.. it's like sitting down for two hours and hating yourself. It's so frustrating when I wish so badly that the "love yourself" movement would really take off. But while television and magazines find profit in sex and beauty and PERFECTION, this can't happen.
