Thursday, June 23, 2011

How Things Have Changed

Like many other people, I feel like everything around me is constantly changing.  Just two years ago as a college freshman, I had left my part time job as a waitress at an retirement home and had no responsibilities other than school work and going out with friends.  Just a few years prior to that I didn't even have a job yet spent my time focusing on school and extracurriculars such as competitive cheerleading, lacrosse and Best Buddies.  Now that that life seems like a million years ago, I am realizing what people mean when they say, "You don't know what you have until it's gone."

Although I have amazing friends and a family that is always there for me, I still can't help but get sad and miss how simple things use to be and laugh at what I use to thing was "life-altering."  Everything that has every happened from middle school and beyond has made me who I am today and has given me the wonderful friends I can lean on.  Yet it is still scary and crazy to think of how quickly everything has changed.  Now I am more focused in school than ever before, I have become an aunt/Godmother and are expecting two more nieces/nephews in the winter time! If someone asked me last year if I thought I would have what I do now, I would've thought them ti be crazy.  Never did I think I would want to, nevermind could manage summer classes, but I know I'll be thankful in the future.  Hopefully I can look back in another few years at how much my life has changed since now and be just as happy and astonished as I am writing this.

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